We Buy Houses In Louisville Ky

What are Closing Costs Exactly in Louisville?

You’ve likely heard about closing costs, but do you know everything that they include? Check out our closing cost “FAQ” to learn more about what closing costs are all about. What Are Closing Costs Exactly in Louisville? Closing costs refer to all of the fees that must be paid at the closing table. Depending on … Continued

Having Trouble Paying Your Mortgage During COVID? What 2021 May Look Like For You in Louisville

Having trouble paying your mortgage during COVID? It’s estimated that 400,000 homeowners who qualified for government-backed mortgage forbearance programs did not take advantage of the benefits and are already behind on their mortgages. As the new year approaches, the moratorium on government-backed mortgages ends. Nationally, an average of 1 in 10 homeowners are behind on … Continued

4 Ways Selling Your House Now in Louisville Will Save You Money

Sellers, trying to decide whether to hire an agent or go it alone? This may be the biggest decision of your life. Selling to a professional buyer is an alternative that could save you thousands! Traditional listings leave you facing an unknown end date while taking all the legal risk and paying for all the … Continued

5 Tips for Selling an Inherited House in Louisville

Family members or close friends commonly enact a will leaving their property holdings to their next of kin or people who meant a lot to them. Inheriting a home is quite common, yet the property is often unwanted. Leaving a recipient holding what is often an unaffordable property, due to upkeep, property taxes, and any … Continued

“Help! My Last Tenant Trashed My Louisville House”

If you own a rental property but had a tenant trash it when they leave then make sure you read this article because we’re addressing the all-too-common problem that landlords have when they say, “Help! My last tenant trashed my Louisville house!” Do you own a rental property? Did you have a tenant leave it … Continued

How To Sell Your House With Code Violations In Louisville

Do you own an old, run-down house in Louisville that you no longer want to own? Just because the house needs some work, doesn’t mean that you have to feel stuck with it for any longer. You can sell your house in Louisville, and receive a great price for it! Learn how to sell your … Continued

5 Signs of a Reliable Home Buying Company in Louisville

Home buying companies play a significant role in the real estate industry. For those who either can’t wait out the traditional home listing process or simply want to avoid all of the headaches and uncertainty, there is a quick resolution. This doesn’t mean that all home buying companies are created equal and naturally you want … Continued