We Buy Houses In Louisville Ky

5 Things Sellers Need To Know About Real Estate Disclosures in Louisville

Anyone who’s spent time around real estate professionals will likely have heard the adage “disclose, disclose, disclose!” It’s worth your time to discover these 4 things sellers need to know about real estate disclosures in Louisville. Enjoyment One of the things buyers are expecting when they have purchased real estate is their right to the … Continued

How To Sell a Probate Property in Louisville

After facing the loss of a loved one who didn’t have a will or investments protecting against the process altogether, probate can mean long drawn out proceedings, especially with larger estates.  It can be costly to go through, so avoid making the mistake of skipping any of the legal requirements which can further tie up … Continued

7 Tips for First Time Home Sellers In Louisville

In our latest post, we offer tips for first time home sellers in Louisville and beyond. Find out what to watch out for before trying to sell your house! If you have never sold a house before, the process can feel burdensome and overwhelming. There is a lot to do, and without the right people … Continued